Chapter 291 - Chasing One’s Dream

Squirrel Street. Inside an unremarkable tavern.

"Server, bring over another jug of ale!"

"Right away!"

Working in the tavern, Holme immediately ran over to the shouting customer with two jugs of ale.

He was overwhelmingly busy tonight. He had worked in this little tavern for three years now yet has never once encountered a situation like tonight where all the seats were packed full.

Only late into the night when the dwarves would lay down their pickaxes to go to the human city and have a merry time with alcohol would this little tavern have a small amount of business.

Nevertheless, Holme swears that the number of customers tonight was simply the greatest amount in the history of the tavern. It was over two to three times the normal capacity.

It was like the low quality ales served in the tavern were being sold by the barrel!

"Kid, you can go back! That little girl is crying again! Someone's going to stand in for you!"