Chapter 310 - Preparation


"Mister Joshua… why are we not filming in Norland?"

Fritt was sitting in his Klia Trading Company's most-prided merchandise, the arcanotech vehicle.

This time around, the ride experience of the arcanotech vehicle was not that cozy. After arriving outside Norland's city limits, the road became exceedingly bad.

When the arcanotech vehicle came to a stop, Fritt pulled back the curtains to look outside. He discovered that they've arrived at a forest bordering Norland.

"That's because an actor is not suited to appear in the heart of Norland's city district."

Joshua pushed open the 'classic automobile' and walked out.

Both sides of the road were covered by trees. This was one of the main roads to Norland.

"Sin Demon?"

Fritt soon realized what Joshua meant. He looked to the forest and saw an enormous figure slowly walking out from the forest.