Chapter 328 - Child, You Need Treatment

Yellow Mage Croshere was walking toward Norland's Law Enforcement Agency.

Yesterday, he proposed the banning of the arcanotech device by the name of television on the Sage Parliament. His proposal received the support from two other Sages.

Even though Gray Mage Lursk tried his hardest to veto their decision, the three Sages held identical positions to him. As such, he lacked the ability to influence their decisions.

Yellow Mage, although old, had senses as sharp as a feline.

As he walked on the streets of Norland, he could hear the discussions regarding television from the passersby.

"What? You managed to see 'Beauty and the Demon's short film yesterday? I ran to multiple taverns all over Norland yesterday but was unable to squeeze myself inside any of them. Quickly, tell me what ended up happening with Belle and the demon prince."

"Don't be so anxious, it's said on the Mage Forum that the short film will be broadcasted again."