Chapter 363 - Sales Pitch

"Good morning, I am Pluk, welcome to Norland Today. Yesterday, our reporters officially confirmed the news regarding the reformation of the education systems of the four advanced magic academies…"

Pluk's brassy voice crossed through countless miles to resound inside Farucci's Highest Parliamentary Chamber.

Klund III and his ministers all raised their heads to look toward the image floating in the air.

"That's the performer playing Leon in 'Leon: The Demon.' Is this a new movie?"

Klund III only looked at the image in mid-air for a brief moment before he recognized the man reading the script with a cozy brassy voice was none other than the slow-speeched demon hitman Leon from 'Leon: The Demon.'

"Your Majesty, this is not a movie. It's a television program called 'news,'" explained Joshua.