Chapter 436, work


Joshua walked along the Commercial Street near the White Briar Theater and arrived at the Hearthstone Tavern Branch.

The new Hearthstone Tavern’s renovation still highlighted the ‘tavern’style. The orange-yellow primary crystal lamps always gave people a warm feeling at night.

If Nolan welcomed winter, there was nothing more wonderful than entering the tavern and ordering a cup of hot ale when it was snowing heavily.

The most common customers in the Hearthstone Tavern were still dwarves. According to Lady Marina’s incomplete statistics, dwarves accounted for one-third of the Hearthstone players, they were far more generous in the purchase of card bags than the human spellcasters who were short of funds.

The main customers of this new tavern were also a group of dwarves as far as the eye could see. Due to the fact that there was no lack of dwarven blacksmiths in the Commercial Street.