Chapter 449 final (5,000 words)

In the afternoon, at the headquarters of the Norland Clique Chamber of Commerce.

Friet von Clique was looking at the recent sales reports of the Chamber of Commerce.

Ever since he had made a commercial partnership with a chaos demon named Joshua, under the power of ‘advertising’, the capital of his chamber of Commerce had more than tripled!

This was enough for him to become Nolan’s most influential trading firm.

The missionaries of the Kingdom of the sacred religion did not deceive him as expected. Cooperating with the demons could indeed obtain benefits that were difficult to... refuse.

“Master Friet, there is a merchant from the Kingdom of steel who wishes to see you. He says that he is the manager of the silver-patterned trading firm.”

An attendant walked into the study and handed a badge to FRIET.

“Silver-patterned? Why did that old guy come to Nolan?”

Friet held the silver badge in his hand and tried to figure it out.