Chapter 466, abduction

“Who are you?”

Twig pointed the arrow at the crow standing on the balcony. She was not as ‘innocent’as Al..

There was also a magic that could transform into an animal in their clan, but as time passed, not many elves would use it. Only the ancient books could find parts related to it.

“Your friend, at least in this city.”

The Crow ignored the arrow that was aimed at her. She flapped her wings and fell from the windowsill.

At that moment, the leaf felt that she had been underestimated. The Crow was using this method to express its contempt for the leaf archery.

When the Crow landed on the ground, she transformed into the posture of an elf. However, the elf’s skin was dark purple.

When al saw his own kind in the city, he was overjoyed, but the color of the Crow’s skin made his elation disappear.

This change was not unfamiliar to the dark elves.

When her race was still alive in this world, the elves living on the ground did not really like them.