Chapter 488, work

Nolan mercenary union.

Herland stood in front of the recruitment notice board and looked at the dense ‘recruitment letters’pasted on it.

The form of mercenary union had existed in this world for hundreds of years. With the passage of time, this union had gone from ‘issuing missions to hunt monsters and search for alchemy ingredients’, it had become an agency where anyone could find the job they wanted.

“Herland, why don’t you come work for our patent council? The daily content is quite easy. The reward for a month is about ten gold coins.”

Herland’s good friend Sansa followed her to this place.

The holiday period of the LUERSK Advanced Magic Academy was almost a month. Originally, Herland had relied on selling the patent for the Magic Mapping Machine, it was also the prototype of the ‘Hearthstone Legend’arcade machine that was now popular throughout Nolan.