Chapter 505, intelligence

The Dark Elf turned into a crow and stood outside the camp of the snake of Yevelk.

As a qualified reporter, the most basic requirement was not only to move quickly, but also to have a pair of eyes that could find big news at any time.

The Dark Elf clearly possessed the above two excellent qualities.

The world-famous mercenary group, the snake of Yevelk, did not go to the dwarven blacksmith shop to repair their equipment. Instead, they went to the Music Guild near the White Thorn Theatre.

Even the most foolish person could sense that there must be some big news.

Thus, the Dark Elves followed them all the way to their guild’s base. After using a special magic to corrode the soundless runes of a room in the base, the Dark Elves did eavesdrop on some incredible news.

Someone entrusted them to kill their employer?

The dark elves listened carefully to their request.