Chapter 532 was filmed as a documentary

The extinct mountain range was located deep within Nolan’s beginner forest. Even Ordinary Level 1 adventurers would not dare to venture deep into it.

“Damn it! Can’t we just crush the heads of those big lizards and go back? !”

In the camp where the snake of Yevilk was stationed, a red-haired woman was holding a lizard’s tail and shouting in dissatisfaction.

“No, the task we have to complete is not only to bring back the skin of the earth-eating lizard, but also to understand their ecology, and even the entire biosphere of the extinct mountain range... it should be called the biosphere.”At this point, Rona looked at the camera in his hand and said, “And then we have to record this.”

“What’s the use of recording this thing! You’ve been doing this all day while you were hunting! If you have the time, you might as well give me a blessing from the Holy Spirit!”The woman complained loudly.

However, she didn’t complain for long before the archer beside her shouted excitedly.