Chapter 547, assembly

The next day, in the holy city cathedral.

Myrcella sat on a chair and silently watched the entire content of Shawshank Redemption. After that, she fell into a long period of silence.

“Any Thoughts?”

Gloria sat beside Myrcella, and her tone sounded a little weak.

Yesterday, Gloria had defeated the thing that the court wanted to summon, but Gloria had also paid a huge price.

“I always thought that the Devil made things just to please us, whether it’s Hearthstone legend or beauty and the devil, but this movie...”Myrcella looked at the last scene where Andy and Rhett met at the seaside and said, “It gave me an indescribable power. After watching it, I had the illusion that I was inspired by God.”

“Using the name on the Spellcasters’Forum is ‘divine work’. In this aspect, I’m far from that Chaos Fiend.”

Helolia stood up from her seat and came before Myrcella.

“Nolan’s portal will officially open in a week’s time. Myrcella, are you interested in visiting Nolan again?”