Chapter 674, Duels


A term that could be used to describe the holiness of any race.

The Grand Duke of fresh blood had received many duels in his life, whether it was friendly duels between people of the same race or provocations from other races, the only thing that the Grand Duke of fresh blood had in common in so many duels was that he had never lost a single duel!

And today’s duel on the battlefield of the Holy Spirit was a gamble on the honor of him and his old friend.

The blood archduke should never have been defeated in this duel, but... reality was cruel.

The wall of Orson Castle killed the dawn.

The duel began less than ten minutes ago, and the blood archduke’s screen turned gray and white. The watchman he commanded died tragically under the blade of the enemy’s folded sword, Gamel.

‘Do you still want to continue?’

The wall of Orson Castle sent out this message with everyone’s chat. It even made its own hero arrogantly make a mocking gesture on the watchman’s corpse.