Chapter 683, contrast

“I still need a lot of time.”

Joshua sat in front of a magnificent city gate and looked at the giant statues on both sides of the city gate and the soldiers patrolling around the city gate.

“If the Holy Spirit is a battlefield, you are trying to create a world now.”

The white bird stood on Joshua’s shoulder and stared at the human soldiers in the distance.

“It’s a large-scale multiplayer online game. It can be considered a virtual world, but even with your help, it will still take a lot of time to complete it alone, especially when it comes to the map.”

Joshua glanced at the lion emblem on the shields of the soldiers. His arm shook in the air, and the city wall in front of him crumbled into pieces and shrunk, it turned into a small ball and fell into Josh’s hand.

“Save it. I’ll continue it when I have time.”

The ball in Josh’s hand turned into the size of his index finger and was swallowed by the White Bird.