Chapter 630, the venue

When Joshua left the White Thorn Garden Theater, he met a friend that he did not really want to meet.

That was the iron nation’s Queen Yekana.

This queen gave Joshua the feeling that she was an upgraded version of the second princess, Cecily.

“Is Lady Yekana interested in movies too?”

Joshua actually wanted to pull Hiri away, but the moment Joshua walked out of the theater, the Queen’s eyes were directly locked on Joshua.

From the standpoint of diplomacy between the two countries, of course, Joshua could not ignore the queen. He could only walk up to her and greet her with his awkward aristocratic etiquette.

“There are indeed many outstanding works in your movies that have left a deep impression on me, Joshua Arnold.”

The queen was wearing a long black dress today. From her makeup, she only gave Joshua the feeling of a vicious and strict stepmother.

“But the last time you held the open competition of the Holy Spirit, I was very disappointed.”