Chapter 721, negotiation

Empress Yekana’s dinner party had ended not long ago. Jose was once again honored to be chosen by the Empress... he stayed alone in the embassy of the country of steel to play go with the Empress.

“I’m just a businessman... forget it, I might not even be a businessman. I’m just a programmer who makes games to entertain the public.”

Two black and white go pieces rotated between Joshua’s fingers. After a short moment of contemplation, Joshua picked up the black pieces and placed them on the chessboard in front of him.

“Programmer? Is this what the creator of the magic net calls himself? Joshua Arnold, I’ve investigated you... you’re very strange.”

Queen Yekana took a few seconds to pick up the white pieces and placed them next to Joshua’s black pieces, sealing off Joshua’s escape route.

This queen of the steel nation was actually a go expert! Joshua did not even know where she came into contact with this ancient game.