Chapter 735, Intruders (4000 words)

At the Embassy of the country of the sacred religion.

Myrcella stood beside a luxurious bed and looked at the creature rolling on the bed in silence.

“Why... Why Can’t I win! !”

Today, Gloria once again lost her reserved attitude in front of the public and rolled on the bed angrily like a little girl in a fit of pique.

If her believers saw her like this, they would definitely feel disillusioned.

Myrcella had disillusioned several times, so when Gloria showed such a loss of composure, she could already accept it with a smile.

“Lady Gloria, it should be purely due to luck,”Myrcella said. “And the ironmaker... is indeed too strong.”

The duel in the afternoon was between the white-horned deer of the sacred religion and the ironmonger of the iron nation.

The ironmonger once again displayed his formidable strength in the semi-finals, defeating the white-horned deer with an absolute advantage and obtaining the qualification to enter the finals.