Chapter 771. I have written my will

Arthur Crow, Quitoan’s residence.

Elder Quitoan aimed his longbow at the distant rock wall. Magic gathered in his right hand and extended all the way to the bowstring pulled by his fingertip.

When Elder Quitoan released the bowstring in his hand, the arrow tore through the air beside Quitoan’s face and pierced through the distant rock wall.

Elder Quitoan glanced at his fingers, which were bleeding from drawing too much.

It had been a long time since he had practiced archery as intensely as he did today.

The reason why elder Quitoan did this was to vent.

Yesterday, he happened to read a book on the Spellcasters’forum, a book called “The Diary of the Heretic Judge.”.

This book revealed the true face of the Heretic Inquisitor’s court to Elder Kuitoan.

This also allowed elder Kuitoan to start investigating all the news related to the Heretic Inquisitor’s court on the Magic Web.