Chapter 778, construction of the Holy Land

In the face of Joshua’s question, only two members of the construction team from the country of steel raised their hands. On the side of the country of frost, only Marshal Amuth raised his hand.

“What’s the name of the movie you’ve seen?”Joshua pointed the pen in his hand at the two alchemy engineers who had raised their hands.

They looked as young as Joshua. In the process of working just now, they were doing some errands.

“Avatar, Mr. Employer... I saw it three times at the movie theater in Osenberg.”

The young alchemy engineer said loudly as if he had found an opportunity to express himself.

The other young alchemy engineer wanted to say something, but after being glanced at by Count Cruz, he wisely shut his mouth.

“They are the Orni brothers, two apprentices brought by Master Fante,”said Count Cruz. “The Alchemy Engineers I invited are all from Osenberg. They have all been invited to see Avatar by me.”

“Only seen ‘avatar’?”