Chapter 871, the beginning of the game

There was an entire row of chairs in the space of consciousness.

Jose stood in front like a lecturer. The sublimators sat on Jose’s right, while the others sat on the left.

The sublimators were very quiet, but when the mistress raised her little hand... Jose felt like he was teaching a lesson to a primary school student.

“If you have any questions, just ask.”

Strictly speaking, Joshua was holding a meeting with the theme of the new game. First, he had to finish the literacy work of these modelers.

“Our goal is to create an artificial god, but you, Guardian, are telling me to create an entire world... this is too arrogant.”

Matron could only use the word “Arrogant”to describe Joshua’s plan. The technology of the magic puppet was very simple in the eyes of the sublimators, but the creation of a world could only be achieved by a true God.

“The artificial God you speak of is the collective emotion of the humans in the real world.”