Chapter 905, start the monster

The short-tentacle wand was now in a state of extreme regret.

Because he felt that he was born in the best of times, the era of the magic net, the movies and the magic net games, all these interesting things had just come out..

The most regretful thing was that the character in the world rift had not been upgraded to level 25, and he did not even have time to equip the star of calamity ring.

But there was no use regretting now. He was about to die.

The man dragged the short-tentacle wand onto the deck of the merchant ship. He held his abdomen by the side of the ship, and a piercing pain came from his abdomen.

In front of him stood an expressionless man. Blood was dripping down the blade of the long sword in the man’s hand.

The man’s sword directly pierced through the short-tentacle wand’s abdomen. The short-tentacle wand felt that its internal organs were hopeless. It estimated that it could still live in this world for a few more minutes.