Chapter 918, whereabouts

Near a tidal cave that was full of monsters, the snake of Yevilk had set up a camp here to film a special episode of “The world of monsters.”.

That was to teach adventurers how to hunt all kinds of monsters commonly seen by the sea.

It was the afternoon now. The mercenaries of the snake of Yevilk had finished hunting for the whole day and were preparing dinner in the camp.

Their dinner today was a giant octopus that they had killed in the morning.

“I heard on the magic web that the Farosians have made a food show. Rona, don’t you want to consider applying to our employer?”

The Archer sat next to the big pot in the camp and looked at Rona who was throwing ingredients into the big pot.

Rona did not know how to cook. This job was done by his lover and also by the healers in the mercenary group.

“I’m already recording.”

The camera wandered around the big pot. The last part of this issue of the world of monsters might come with a cooking method for hunting monsters.