Chapter 983, teach me! Teacher Lloyd!

Sophia left with satisfaction, holding a photo of herself with Tyreen.

Joshua brought Lloyd back into the space of consciousness.

“How much is the difference between the faith i produce and Sophia’s?”

Joshua made a chair and sat beside Lloyd. The goddess of order began to construct a new inscription array.

“About ten times.”

Lloyd was holding a white bun in her hand and chewing on it. This bun was a high concentration of energy. She needed to consume her own energy to construct the inscription array.

“The gap is a bit big. Sophia is already a fanatic towards Tyreen. I can only say that I admire her in this aspect.”

Jose was a passerby fan among the fans. Tyreen’s singing was good, but it was not to the point of worship. Sophia was the kind of fanatic that Tyreen would go to every concert.

“If you take the middle value, you should be at the level of a normal fan,”Jose said.
