Chapter 1,078‘Bitter Battles’

Noggs had also become a member of the Owl Party. He had only been invited by Jose to test the fighting abilities of the characters in dispute.

During the test, Jose had created some new gadgets that exceeded the rules of dispute.

Among them, the various super-powerful equipment in the chain kill reward had already exceeded the scope of the game’s balance.

After watching all of Josh’s chain kill reward demonstration, Noggs asked directly, “Can the full automatic aiming be activated all the time?”

As a game developer, Josh’s answer was of course, “Yes.”

The chain kill reward system itself was an official cheat. Under the request of Noggs, Josh had unlimitedly activated the skill in the game called ‘Tactical Goggles’for his character.

“Why not let other characters have these abilities too?”

Noggs asked Joshua while his character was changing bullets.