The Mastermind

Xu Dachuan was screaming and shouting crazily. This man had been under immense pressure and psychological torture since his son's death.

He felt wronged.

He felt very pained.

He felt like his life had been very rough and difficult.

If another person were to stand here in Zhou Ze's place, perhaps he would feel some sympathy and pity.


Standing in front of him was Zhou Ze.

Anyone could sympathize with him.

Except for Zhou Ze.

He was dead.

This coarse man who was crying, going crazy, and in hysterics…

He was also one of the accomplices who killed him.

Why do you all feel so pitiful?

Why do you all feel wronged?

What about me?

Who will pity me?

Can someone think for me?

Zhou Ze naturally walked to Xu Dachuan and lifted his chin. At this moment, countless emotions were driving him to kill the man in front of him.

Tear him apart.

Not just his body.