Second Sister-In-Law

Zhou Ze's body slowly relaxed from tension, and the beads of sweat on his forehead kept dripping down.

People who had undergone half-body anesthesia should have a similar feeling, which was that the part of your body that had undergone surgery had lost consciousness and could not feel pain. However, when the Doctor operated on your body, you could have a vague feeling, which was not pain, however, that feeling was very strange and uncomfortable.

Zhou Ze slowly calmed down,

even if that woman was still clinging to his body and calling him "Husband"...

even if the two children were still disemboweling him, it did not matter. They were still picking and choosing.

Zhou Ze had specifically talked to the Little Loli about things similar to illusions. The Little Loli had also said that illusions were a very low-level existence. A higher-level one was called a boundary. When encountering an illusion, one's own calmness was often the most important thing.