Old Daoist, the Murderer

"This coffee, why is it getting more and more wrong? Could it be that I'm tired of it?"

The downstairs of the study,

Lawyer An was still studying the coffee in his hand,

the huge thermos bottle was filled to the brim.

"Could it be that the boss suddenly doesn't mind me drinking this, so the coffee doesn't taste good to me?"

Lawyer An usually did not drink coffee. In his previous life, he liked to drink tea, but now that he had become in this "State," he couldn't sleep at all. Drinking coffee again, was he looking for excitement for himself?

Only a certain salted fish did not have the trouble of sleeping and only drank this every day.

However, the specific reason was actually very simple. Lawyer An really had not drunk the so-called instant solution. He had always been a person who pursued the refinement of life.

And because of this...

even after Bai Yingying changed the coffee...

he could not tell.