Old Zhang, Suck My Blood

"Oh... Ah... hiss..." Zhou Ze felt that he was constantly wandering in the whirlpool. His consciousness was very muddled. He felt that he was like a dough. He was constantly kneaded and squeezed. It was as if there was a retard holding a mallet and constantly slapping him. It was as if he wanted to turn himself into a retard. 

He did not know how long this situation lasted. Zhou Ze suddenly opened his eyes. He found himself lying on a cold iron plate. He was surrounded by cold colors. 

It was familiar. It was not a hospital but it was similar to a hospital. 

Zhou Ze silently sat up. When he sat up, he suddenly realized that he could sit up! 

Ah Xi!

Could it be that every time he was tortured and beaten up, he could deepen his control over his body? Indeed, adversity can make people grow. So those peerless experts were all beaten up?