Chapter 507, Integrity

"I... would rather die... than... be... laughed at... by him... the next day... When I wake up..

"And... He will definitely... not believe... that... I didn't... make a move..."


The Little Boy's face was filled with both fear and doubt.

This aura was not actually very strong, nor did it have the pressure of a storm brewing. However, from the Zombies'senses, this was an extremely terrifying existence.

That level of life, that ancient and honorable feeling that seemed to have been born since ancient times, that unattainable height..,

it made people not even have the courage to raise their heads.

But what did he say?

He wants me to go up and kill him?


The little boy really wanted to ask:

Are you joking?

But he didn't dare to really ask this kind of rhetorical question.

He was afraid to vent his anger on the other party, as if the other party's will could crush him into pieces!