Sir, Could I Change My Seat?

After she returned to the classroom, Ling Xueru eyed Shen Zhe even more weirdly.

He wasn't punished for getting three points in the quiz. Instead, he scolded the teacher and drove the teacher mad…

What did Shen Zhe do to the teacher?


While Ling Xueru was having random thoughts, the bell rang, and a grim middle-aged man entered the classroom.

He was Geng Xing, a level-one Mage, which was the most honorable profession on the continent!

"Isn't Ms. Bai supposed to teach this class? Why is Mr. Geng here?"

"I'm told that Ms. Bai is on a field trip to verify the answer on the guidance book. She hasn't returned yet!"

"The answer was completely different from our calculations, but the guidance book has never been wrong because of the magic rules. There's no way to dispprove it other than testing it in reality!"

Everybody whispered.

It was Ms. Bai Yu's class. Since she wasn't there, Mr. Geng substituted for her.


Putting the guidance book down, Geng Xing looked around and said, "The class now begins!"

"Mages practice the most honorable profession on this continent. I'm sure you all know it very well. Mages can set up rules, law, and order, which will change reality when they are ascertained to be truth. Also, Mages can attack remotely. They're far stronger than Martial Artists and Druggists of the same level…"

Thanks to Mr. Geng Xing's interpretation, Shen Zhe had a deeper understanding about Mages.

Same as his knowledge, Mages could perform spells and turn the impossible into possible.

However, different from the novels he read, Mages didn't need to chant, nor was any magic power required, to cast a spell. Instead, they needed to summon the power of their Learning Ocean and construct special equations based on the terrain, the environment, the enemy's strength, etc.

If the equations were correct, they would be able to cast spells perfectly and unleash great power.

It meant that spells were essentially equations and calculations. There couldn't be any errors.

"No wonder everyone has to study hard, and those who can't get a full score are considered losers…"

Shen Zhe sighed.

Spells were continuous equations that had to be resolved as fast as possible in battle. Any mistake could get the Mage killed. No wonder everybody studied hard.

It was also the reason why the grades of the students were ordered by time when their scores were the same.

In his previous life, neither the teacher nor the parents were allowed to physically punish the students. The students would only be scolded, which couldn't harm them, if they didn't work hard.

However, in this world, those who didn't study would die, and those who gave wrong answers might be killed on the spot… Under such pressure, even the weakest student had to work hard.

"To become a Mage, the most important step is to illuminate the Seven Stars, namely Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang!"

"You can view the stars by meditating. The brighter they are, the easier it will be for you to become a Mage! If they are too dark, your future achievements will be limited."

"The stars are divided into five tiers according to their brightness. The fifth tier means less than ten percent chance of becoming a Mage; the fourth tier, fifty percent; the third tier, almost a hundred percent; the second tier and above are the signs of geniuses."

"Take the Abyssal Ocean Kingdom for example. Thirteen people have lit up tier-two stars in the past hundred years. Even the weakest of them became a level-two Mage. The strongest amongst them reached the fifth level and was a renowned expert in the court!"

"The stars that Ling Xueru from this class illuminated are exactly in the second tier!"

Everybody whispered again after Mr. Geng Xing's introduction.

They all knew that Ling Xueru had illuminated seven stars, but they did not know that her stars were in the second tier!

She was truly intimidating!

"Alright, you can start meditating. The most important thing is to illuminate the Seven Stars now. If you fail to do that by the end of this semester, you will be expelled and sent home, to spend the rest of your lives there!"

Geng Xing waved his hand.

"Yes, sir!"

The students nodded and began to meditate.

After a brief hesitation, Shen Zhe also focused his attention according to the book.

Meditation could broaden the brain and sharpen the mind.

After his rebirth, he knew that the two stars in his body had perished, but he didn't know much more. It was a great chance for him to observe himself.

He could also check the magnitude of the stars that the former Shen Zhe had illuminated.


When the meditation began, Shen Zhe's consciousness broke into a new world. He could see nothing but darkness and two dim stars in the sky.

"Those two stars denote Tianshu and Tianxuan, two acupuncture points on my body! To illuminate them, I have to calculate their coordinates and gather my spiritual energy in them…"

He recalled the method to illuminate the stars.

Under normal circumstances, the Seven Stars were invisible, and their locations had to be calculated without any errors.

However, since his former self had illuminated two of them, their locations had been exposed, although they had died out. All Shen Zhe needed to do was to gather his spiritual energy and reignite them.

With his experience in body polishing, Shen Zhe was good at attracting spiritual energy. He directed spiritual energy at Tianshu.

Zi! Zi! Zi!

Nurtured by the spiritual energy, the dim Tianshu point glimmered.


Shen Zhe's lips twitched.

No wonder his former self was a weak student. That star, according to the teacher's criteria, was even lower than the fifth tier…

More importantly, based on his speed of cultivation, it would take him at least two years to restore it into a tier-five star!

Two years to illuminate one star… And it would be more difficult to illuminate the rest…

Shen Zhe didn't think he could accomplish it in his entire life.

That was the reason why his grades were so bad!

Shen Zhe complained.

He considered inheriting the fortune of his family, but after a few days, he had realized that it was barely possible to survive in that world without becoming a Mage or a Martial Artist.

Besides, he could live a longer life after he became either of them.

Longevity was more tempting than power and wealth.

However, while he wanted to become someone better, his capabilities prevented him from doing so!

It would take him decades to illuminate the five lowliest tier-five stars. He would probably kick the bucket before he became a Mage.

"Can I change my talent with the notebook?"

Shen Zhe had an idea.

Different from other people, he had a goldfinger as a transmigrator.

While it wasn't as good as the Library of Heaven's Path, it wasn't bad at all.

If it could change his talent into the first tier, he would be invincible in the exams and dwarf the geniuses easily…

He was fascinated by the thought.

"However… The pencil has been used up. How can I get more?"

Holding his chin, Shen Zhe wondered again.

The pencil in his head was gone after being used three times. It should be an expendable. He had to get it back.

"Condense a pencil!"

"Pencil, show up!"

"Let's roll, pencil!"

"Brother Pencil, I sincerely request to meet you…"

He cried and tried hundreds of times, but there was still nothing next to the notebook.

"It seems that the pencil doesn't appear for no reason…"

Shen Zhe was worried.

The pencil didn't have any instructions… How long would it take for him to find out its usage through experiments?

The notebook appeared because something was activated when he wanted to work hard… But it was useless when he thought of the same thing.

"Right, there are the words 'Good Guy' on the pencil. Also, the first page of the notebook is full of positive words. Will the pencil appear if I do good things?"

After many failed attempts, an idea suddenly popped up in Shen Zhe's head.

He noticed that "Good Guy" was engraved on the pencil when it appeared. Since the notebook was so positive, was it possible to condense the pencil by doing good deeds?

"Huh… Let's give it a shot…"

Thinking about that, he looked at Wang Qing, who sat next to him.

Let's do something good to him!

However, what were good things?

In his previous life, helping the elderly to walk across the street was generally considered a good thing, and Shen Zhe had done it plenty of times.

Should he help Wang Qing to walk across the street?

It didn't make sense. Helping the old to walk across the street was a good thing because it was inconvenient for them to do it on their own. But it was obviously not a problem for Wang Qing.

So… Should he break Wang Qing's legs first?

That way, it would be inconvenient for Wang Qing to walk across the street, and helping him would be a good thing!

Thinking about that, Shen Zhe looked at Wang Qing aggressively, his eyes glittering.

Wang Qing was meditating, but he sensed something wrong. He opened his eyes, only to see that Shen Zhe was staring at him in excitement.

Wang Qing felt terribly cold.

Was there something wrong with his friend's head again?

Sir, could I have a different seat?