Chapter 12: One-stop Service

Brother Earthworm and his men slinked away like scared mongrels.

"Madam, all is settled now." Huang Xiaolong said with a grin, turning to the lady boss.

The lady boss finally snapped out of her daze but still a little incoherent. "Young man, what you just, just now, you..."

"Oh, you mean throwing the chopsticks? That was nothing. Just the 'Sky Full of Blossoms' hidden weapons technique. Quite simple." Huang Xiaolong chuckled. "Actually, I only exerted a tiny bit of my strength. Had I put in a little more, their knees would have shattered. We villagers are kind-hearted. We didn't want to cripple them."

"Um…" The lady boss didn't quite know how to proceed with the conversation."Young man, who taught you all this?" She asked.

"They taught me," Huang Xiaolong casually replied.

Of course, the lady boss didn't realize that by 'they', Huang Xiaolong wasn't referring to people but things.

"Young man, you really are amazing!" Her eyes welled up with admiration and gratitude.