Chapter 25 I'm Going to Start Making Money

Su Xiaoman, following Huang Xiaolong's instructions, immediately went to the nearby supermarket to buy him the 'Phidoya Chocolate' he needed. Then, trembling with fear, she accompanied Huang Xiaolong to Brother Hu's "place".

Brother Hu's casino is located on the mid-section of Hua Lake Street, in a two-story building that doesn't stand out.

Downstairs, a few emo kids with flamboyantly dyed hair were smoking while scanning their surroundings with hawk-like alertness.

"Little Long, this is the place..." Su Xiaoman whispered shakily. "Do we... do we really have to go in?"

No doubt, Su Xiaoman was terrified of the casino- her younger brother had gambled away their family fortune here and had remained missing ever since.

"Sister Xiaoman, don't be scared... We're just going in for a little while." Huang Xiaolong said smiling.

His smile was like a beam of sunlight piercing through the dark clouds, instilling an inexplicable sense of safety in Su Xiaoman.