Chapter 44: The First Wife is Here!

After dealing with the menacing ghost in orange, Huang Xiaolong exited from Cui Feiyan's dream world.

Checked his phone, it was already 11 p.m.

"Hah... Feiyan's nightmare was quite long...but now, the storm had passed. She will never have to relive that dream again..." Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

At this moment, Cui Feiyan fluttered her drowsy eyes open.

"Feiyan, how do you feel now?" Huang Xiaolong asked light-heartedly.

"Hmm~~ I feel much lighter." Cui Feiyan crinkled her pert nose. "Huang Xiaolong, was my former life really that despicable? Recklessly taking lives...The ghost in orange just then claimed that I forced her to commit suicide..."

"Feiyan, just focus on living this life well. Who cares about past lives...Some people's past lives may have been pigs or dogs or whatnot." Huang Xiaolong, who was still lying on the same bed as Cui Feiyan, said with a laugh. The warm and fragrant scent wafting from her made him feel as sweet as if he were smeared with honey.