Chapter 152: I'll be crazy with you till the end! (Second update)

"Song Yuru, save it and shut up! Today is my birthday, I call the shots, and I'll play however I want... Don't worry, after I've finished with this country bumpkin, I'll come play with you! Humph! I've been pursuing you for half a year and you've shown me no interest. Today, I'll take back everything that I've given you with interest!" Cao Huan glared at Song Yuru, like a hungry wolf.

"You're sick!" Song Yuru furiously retorted.

"Wifey, don't worry." At this moment, Huang Xiaolong gently reassured Song Yuru with a smile. "Cao Huan is no match for me. In a while, he'll be fully entertained... Rest assured, he dares not lay a finger on you. Little Long will protect you."

After saying that, Huang Xiaolong glanced at Little Long.

As if understanding Huang Xiaolong's intention, Little Long immediately fled from the platform.