Chapter 207 The one who insults, always faces insult (Sixth update)

"Weiwei!" Lin Zicong's eyes flashed with a touch of anger, but it was quickly replaced by affection and admiration, his gaze softening. "Weiwei, my grandfather and your grandfather initially verbally promised this marriage agreement... They are men of their word, how can our generation go against them?"

Lin Zicong spoke in earnest. "Besides, Weiwei, aren't we a good match? Perhaps, we haven't had many opportunities to meet, but I promise, in the future, I will devote more time to accompany you, to humor you, to care for you..."

It was apparent that Lin Zicong was very fond of Sun Wei.

"No need." Sun Wei found Lin Zicong's words utterly cheesy, making her skin crawl and prompting a gag reflex. She managed to suppress her anger, maintaining a ladylike demeanor. "I apologize, at that time my grandfather and your grandfather only made a verbal agreement, there's no written contract... So, I'm afraid I cannot comply."