Chapter 211: The Sun Family Regrets the Marriage! (Third Update)

"Oh... I see." A sense of sweetness filled Sun Wei's heart. She had seen Huang Xiaolong's exceptional powers before, and today, Sun Feng had grievously offended him. According to his temperament, disabling Sun Feng would have been mild punishment. But for her sake, Huang Xiaolong had made an exception to give Sun Feng a divine healing potion!

'Wow… It seems like…I... I do hold some importance in his heart… I'm so thrilled!'

"Young master, are you saying… that this medicine, if applied for three days, will… will restore my sinful son to his former state?" Sun Hu exclaimed in disbelief.

Sun Feng had broken both his hands and legs. Even with proper treatment, it's feared that, at most, he could only regain 60 or 70% of his original health, greatly hampering his future martial arts practice.

Now, with merely one bottle of Huang Xiaolong's medicine, in just three days, Sun Feng could be back to normal… This was horrifyingly miraculous!