Chapter 338: You woke them up!

Huang Xiaolong and Lin Jing surged through the wall, entering the room behind the metal door, only to find the house was completely empty. The Everlasting Lights were lit on all four walls, and there was a throng of walking corpses with yellow talismans on their foreheads, lined up in an orderly manner. They walked down through an entrance in the centre of the room.

Among the walking corpses, women overwhelmingly outnumbered men; some were wearing qipaos, some short skirts, and some were even stark naked. Intuitively, these were all dead bodies, but it wasn't hard to discern a trace of the worldliness lingering on their decaying faces.

'They're all mostly prostitutes...' Huang Xiaolong thought. 'It appears that the owner of this Night Fragrance Club has been exploiting vulnerable women in Binhai, turning them into walking corpses to help him serve customers and drain their vital energy.'