Chapter 534: The Identity of the Genius Mad Youngster in Binhai

Under the reveal charm, the courtyard where Huang Xiaolong and Zhou Mi stood began to rattle ominously. Suddenly, earthen mounds erupted one by one from the ground, oozing fresh blood.

Immediately, the entire yard was filled with a dense and pungent smell of blood.

It was as if Huang Xiaolong and Zhou Mi had suddenly ended up in a graveyard!


Zhou Mi shrieked in terror, clutching onto Huang Xiaolong like a cat with its tail stepped on, clinging onto him like a sloth.

This could be made into an emoji - "Brother, do you need any more pendants hanging off you?"

The sizeable mound was also pressing hard against Huang Xiaolong.

It was quite awkward.

The next moment, the courtyard walls disappeared, replaced by a dense, black fog.

"This is too horrifying…we're done for…this time we're really done for…" Zhou Mi muttered with shaky whisper, her delicate body trembling.