Chapter 603: Half of the Family Assets

The Necro-Malady Talisman on cousin Shui Yu's forehead suddenly caught fire, converted into a streak of gold light, and seeped into his body.

So sudden!

Hiss hiss hiss~hiss hiss hiss~!!!!!!

Green smoke emerged from all over his body, his whole body continuously trembling as if having seizures, his facial features distorted ferociously, eyes almost bursting out as if they would fly out and hit somebody.

"Little Long~~" Shui Yu nervously said.

The next second——


Cousin Shui Yu opened his mouth wide as if it could fit an entire fist, and let out a high-decibel scream.

Several women in the room were frightened and retreated immediately.


A wriggling maggot crawled out of cousin Shui Yu's mouth, about half a meter long, chubby, entirely white, but with a grisly human face on its head!