Chapter 4 Unfilial and Unrighteous

"No way, he can bully anyone, but bullying you is not okay!" Ling Tianyu's eyes emitted bursts of coldness, he had come out, and he no longer had any relatives left.

The only things supporting him were his girlfriend, Qin Tianyi, and then there was his sister-in-law, who would visit him every month, fulfilling the role of a mother completely.

Whoever dares to bully her, I'll flay them alive if they do not die.

Anyone can trample on my dignity, but trampling on my sister-in-law's, that's not acceptable.

Before stepping on her, you'd better ask if my fists agree.

"Tianyu, you..." Su Ruoxi's stunningly beautiful face was moved, her brother had changed, becoming someone she no longer recognized. Was this still the naive, carefree brother she knew before?

"Brother Yu, don't worry, if someone messes with our sister-in-law, we won't let them off," Dongfang Yan assured, thumping his chest.

"Right, Brother Yu, rest assured, with us brothers here, if anyone dares to mess with our sister-in-law, I'll make sure their entire family pays for it." Nan Feng tossed the cigarette from his mouth onto the ground, looking at the three terrified brothers under Brother Lang's wing.

"Are you also his men?" Nan Feng picked up an empty beer bottle, walked over to them, and looked down at them from on high.

The three of them were already too scared to speak. If they had known, how did they offend these two behemoths? Now they were in trouble, unable to escape, even if it didn't kill them, they'd be destroyed.



Nan Feng had a fiery temper, and with a swing of the bottle, the person on the far left was left with a bloody head. The other two hastily knelt and begged for mercy, their hearts filled with regret.

"Don't fucking kneel to me, go kneel to my Brother Yu and my sister-in-law," said Nan Feng, kicking each of them.

The two scrambled and rolled over to Su Ruoxi, kneeling and admitting their faults.

Su Ruoxi was a bit overwhelmed. These were esteemed guests of the bar; they shouldn't be kneeling and apologizing to her. What was her status, and what was theirs?

"What's your name?" Ling Tianyu hadn't forgotten about something. The guy had been arrogant, daring to slap his sister-in-law and flattering that worthless Brother Lang. If he didn't turn you into a pig's head today, he'd take your last name.

"Thump!" Yang Feng immediately knelt down, begging for forgiveness: "I'm sorry, Brother Yu, I... I didn't know she was your... your family member. If I did, even with a thousand guts, I wouldn't have dared."

Yang Feng was genuinely terrified. He was really afraid, even the young men of Northern Sea were willing to call him their junior; what was he in comparison? Just a flick of the other's finger could crush him.

"I don't care if you knew or not, I don't even want to know. For that slap on my sister-in-law's face, you owe me a thousand slaps in return, or I'll twist your head off," Ling Tianyu tossed the cigarette butt from his mouth and slowly walked over, insisting on a price to be paid for touching his sister-in-law.

"No... no..."

"Brother Yu... please spare me..."

"Slap! Slap!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ling Tianyu grabbed his collar with one hand and slapped him with the other. The sound of the slap was loud enough to echo through the bar, making everyone hold their breath, daring not even to inhale.

This was too cruel!

Who exactly was he? Calling the young lads of the Northern Sea "brother" and striking so ruthlessly; when did Su the beauty get such a family member?

Such an incredible friend, why was she even working here? It was truly strange.

Everyone was curious but dared not speak out. Even Brother Lang had his limbs broken; they were no match for Brother Lang, so who were they to have an opinion?


Yang Feng had been unable to hold up for a while, and he didn't know how many slaps he had received; his face was no different from a pig's head.

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped in shock; the blows were truly ruthless.

Ling Tianyu looked at Yang Feng, who had long been knocked unconscious by the slapping, and scoffed. He turned and walked over to his sister-in-law, and with one kick each, sent the two men who were still kowtowing and admitting their wrongs flying, spitting out blood and fainting.

"Gurgle! Gurgle!"

This scene shocked everyone. A single kick sent a person flying seven or eight meters away—what kind of strength was that? Freakish.

"Let's go first," Ling Tianyu glanced at the time, wanting to visit his parents' and brother's graves to see them.

"Hmph! If your boss doesn't come, just wait for our retaliation." Dongfang Yan said to Brother Lang, who was still semi-conscious, before leaving the bar with that statement.

Nan Feng gave a wave of his hand and took his followers to leave quickly after.

"Brother Yu, let us drive you home." Dongfang Yan hurriedly opened the door of the Ferrari, intending to take Ling Tianyu home.

They had prepared a house for him, a villa worth ten million. They bought it when they came out—just for their Brother Yu.

They even prepared two luxury cars, a red Ferrari and a limited edition Hummer. It could be said that they were just waiting for his release. The kindness they owed him from those years ago, they could never repay even in a lifetime.

"You guys go back first. I have some things to take care of today. We'll catch up another time." Ling Tianyu waved his hand. Today was no ordinary day; having returned, he, this unfilial son, had to visit the graves and admit his wrongs. The deaths of his parents and half the reason for his brother's death—both were on him.

He had been unfilial to his parents and unjust to his brother.

Unfilial and unjust—that was a great sin.

"Okay, Brother Yu, do remember to call us. Our parents have always wanted to see you," Dongfang Yan said reluctantly, but he had to follow Brother Yu's wishes.

After sending the two of them off, Ling Tianyu walked along the sidewalk with his sister-in-law. Neither of them spoke; Su Ruoxi was still in shock.

She still hadn't figured out if this was her brother, her naively innocent brother from before?

But how could he know people like the Northern Sea Two Young? Even the wealthy tycoons of Northern Sea couldn't match such a status.

Yet he knew them and even had them address him as Brother Yu. What exactly was going on?

Although Su Ruoxi wanted to understand what was happening, she didn't ask. When the time was right, she would naturally find out. Then she took him with her to the public cemetery of Northern Sea.

Su Ruoxi didn't know where their family plot was located; her brother had never told her either because he also didn't know. She refrained from asking Ling Tianyu and used the only savings she had left, sold the house, and bought three grave plots. Luckily, it was not too expensive at that time, and she could just about afford it.

Ling Tianyu, gazing at the cold stone of the three grave markers, struggled to keep himself from crying. He thought he would never shed tears again, but upon seeing this scene, tears still flowed.

"Thud!" Ling Tianyu knelt before the grave markers, looking at his parents' and his brother's stones. He knew he could never clear this debt. Both his parents and brother had left because of the trouble he had caused.

He failed to express the filial piety they deserved—instead, he brought about their demise. His brother was about to get married, and he utterly ruined it. He was no better than a beast.

"Tianyu, get up," Su Ruoxi coaxed, knowing he was crying. Wasn't she the same? Every night, she would hide under the covers and cry secretly.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry! If it weren't for... weren't for..." Ling Tianyu didn't dare turn around to look at Su Ruoxi. How could there be such a situation today if not for him?