Chapter 62 Summer Pear Orchard

Dongfang Yan and Nan Feng were somewhat entangled. It wasn't that they lacked brotherly affection, but they knew they had to plan carefully: no action was better than a misstep. Once they made a move, they had to end it decisively, leaving their enemies no chance to retaliate.

Ling Tianyu stood up, setting the bottle of liquor on the table, and reached into his pocket for a cigarette, only to find the pack empty.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yan quickly offered his own pack to light a cigarette for his Brother Yu.

Ling Tianyu exhaled a plume of smoke, looked at the corpses on the ground, and at Tian Zhentao, feeling not the slightest sympathy. There was only a killing intent—no wonder he hadn't seen Lin Lang visit him since then.

"Brother Yu, the vendetta must be avenged, but it is essential to plan properly. To put it bluntly, the power behind the Northern Sea Seven Evils is too complex. Even with our two families stepping in, it wouldn't be easy to handle," Nan Feng said gravely.