Chapter 291: The Day of Leaving the Pass, The Time of Your Death

"Puh... Puh..."

As the sound of coughing up blood rose, the six of them only felt a tremendous force striking their chests, sending them flying backward and spitting blood in an instant.

The six were terrified, and even more fear arose in their hearts as, on that one word, they sensed an unprecedented breath of death. One they had never encountered since they began their cultivation.

What on earth was happening?

The six kept asking themselves in the depths of their hearts.

It was too terrifying. Just a single word could knock them flying and even effortlessly seriously injure them, something that not even the five old ones were capable of. Who in the world was this?

"Puh... Puh..."

Yet the six coughed up blood again. That single word "Scram!" caused their internal organs to rupture, and even a few bones in their chests broke. It was too terrible, truly too horrifying.

They could hardly imagine now who could unleash such a powerful force with just one word.