Chapter 316 Twisted to the Extreme

Ling Tianyu's words left Shen Rufeng and the others completely dumbstruck. Even though the Shen Family was a major clan with the support of a Super Hidden Sect, they still wouldn't dare make such a statement.

To anger the Shen Family meant death, but that referred to ordinary people. Internal conflict was forbidden among the established clanship agreements of the noble families.

Yet Ling Tianyu was so domineering, daring to speak of annihilating the Sun Family.

If those present hadn't known that Ling Tianyu was not a simple man, they might have thought he was just boasting.

Nan Wuji and Dongfang Shuo believed his words without doubt. After he brought Duan Yanran back, it was likely that the Wu Family and Chu Family would suffer great misfortune. Ling Tianyu dared to challenge others in the Capital, naturally, he was not afraid of those five old fellows.