Chapter 321: Yu Family Invitation


Ling Tianyu returned to his office and began to adjust to his optimal state.

Duan Yanran was buried in a heap of documents.

The only sound in the entire office was the rustle of the pen on paper.

"Hello," at exactly three in the afternoon, just as Ling Tianyu was about to leave his office, his phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number, so he hurried out to the corridor to answer.

"Mr. Ling, this is Shen Lang. Where are you in Northern Sea right now?" The caller was Shen Lang, who had forgotten something when he left the day before and only remembered today.

"I'm at the company, what's up?" Ling Tianyu was puzzled, hearing the urgency in Shen Lang's voice. Could there be an emergency?

"Here's the thing, after we brought Miss Duan back, you're aware of the situation inside her body, so my Shen Family used the Sanqing Fuling Pill. She needs to take another one, which I forgot to give you when I left," Shen Lang explained the reason for his call.