Chapter 809 Countermeasure for Every Move

Ling Tianyu heard that it would start at dawn, and his eyes narrowed slightly. They were indeed fast, offering no chance for survival, and the suppression would begin tomorrow.

"In all cities, any property belonging to Benma Real Estate must be suppressed, even to the point of bankruptcy," the Master of Xiao Yao Mansion continued as he drank, "They want to completely crush you."

"I'm really puzzled. With such a strong background, you're a unique case in the entire Human Clan. What are they thinking? Suppressing one of their own is senseless; it only serves to amuse outsiders," the Master of Xiao Yao Mansion felt increasingly angry, thinking the situation was nonsensical.

Ling Tianyu just smiled, tilted his head back to take several gulps of alcohol, and said, "Let them be, I'll just have to deal with it."

"I particularly admire that statement of yours," the Master of Xiao Yao Mansion, admiring Ling Tianyu's confrontational tone, toasted with him.