Chapter 322 Immortal Mansion

Zhou Bingliang shivered all over and fell to his knees, his voice trembling as he said, "Master Su, I... I didn't mean to deceive you. If I really told you about this matter, you... you might think this map is not very valuable and wouldn't... wouldn't spare my life. I... I won't dare again..."

Su Yang stood with his hands behind his back, actually bluffing Zhou Bingliang, knowing nothing about whether the Zhou Family had sent someone or not. However, the Zhou Family had obtained this map and would certainly attempt to search for it. That they had kept the map for so long only suggested that they had not been successful in finding the Immortal Mansion.

Such failure usually meant one of two things. One possibility was that they couldn't find it. If that were the case, after more than a hundred years, the Zhou Family probably would have given up.