Chapter 395: A Single Slash!

Xiao Hei slightly squinted his eyes as he opened the box in his arms and took out the kitchen knife.

"Shit, there's a knife too?" Li Hongwei sneered, "A kitchen knife at that? What, did you just come out of the kitchen or something..."

Before Li Hongwei could finish speaking, Xiao Hei suddenly lunged forward, his kitchen knife sweeping across and chopping off the head of the person in front of him.

The head flew into the air, slamming into Li Hongwei's face before falling into his arms.

When Li Hongwei came to his senses, he realized he was holding a head. He was so scared that his soul almost flew away. He let out a shrill scream, fell on his butt, and frantically tossed the head away as if he had seen a ghost.

The crowd around them also cried out in alarm. A child's strike, so terrifying? Beheading with a single stroke, how ruthless must one be!