Chapter 429 Thrown into the Fire Sea

The man fell to the ground, and flames surged up in an instant, engulfing him.

All that the onlookers could see was a fiery figure wailing and screaming in the sea of flames, struggling to rush out but unable to find a way, until he finally collapsed on the ground, his screams gradually stopping, having been burned alive.

Everyone was trembling with fear; when they had set Lin Dong's family on fire just a while ago, they thought it was fun and even felt it showcased their abilities.

They had never imagined what it would feel like to be burned by such a fire themselves. As they watched someone from their own ranks burned alive by the flames, they finally experienced that terror and understood what it meant to be helpless.

At that moment, they suddenly realized how ridiculous their so-called arrogance and recklessness were.

When they truly encountered those they should not provoke, the price they had to pay was something they could not bear!