Chapter 438: Regret is Too Late

Little White Face and a few others were all hanged from the ceiling beams. On the floor, Lin Ting sat slumped, staring blankly at her cellphone, appearing completely frozen.

Now the truth was fully uncovered; everything Little White Face said was a lie to trick her. And she, deceived by a mistaken love, not only deeply hurt her dearest relatives but also caused their deaths.

Indeed, it was she who had texted Little White Face to come and get her tonight.

She also knew about Little White Face stealing that sum of money. However, she didn't realize the money was for repaying usurious loans, thinking instead that it was left by Su Yang and the others. So, she took it, intending to give it to Little White Face for his dream investment.

Now, she fully understood that all of this was her own doing.