Chapter 014: Infinite Methods of Murder

Long Wu was first stunned, then he burst into laughter, "Haha..."

The private room was very quiet, Long Wu's laughter was wild and arrogant.

He had the capital to be arrogant, he had the right to be proud.

The underground Emperor of Jiangnan City, the Chairman of Ningwan Group, someone actually dared to speak to him with such arrogance. It had been a long time since Long Wu had encountered anyone so haughty and presumptuous.

"Kid, look across the whole Jiangnan Province, there are hardly a few who would dare to speak to me like that," Long Wu's aura surged up as he looked straight at Guo Yi and said, "Let alone in Jiangnan City. You're the first one!"

"Never mind you, even across the entire Continent, I decide who lives and who dies!" Guo Yi replied with disdain.

Cultivators, following their hearts' desires, pointing directly to their true nature, kill if they wish. Why bother with scruples? If they are provoked, killing everyone in the room, what is there to fear?

"Fuck!" Long Wu was furious and said, "Ah Tao, kill him!"

Behind Long Wu, a muscular man stepped forward, standing two meters tall, with bulging muscles, wearing a white tank top, and sporting intimidating tattoos, his face crisscrossed with thick lines. Lin Tao was Long Wu's top enforcer, with enormous strength, his fists could shatter rocks, and he had once smashed a man's head with a single punch. Ah Tao stepped forward with a sneer, "Kid, today I'm going to twist your arm off alive!"

Guo Yi glanced at him, such characters could be killed with a single breath, no need to exert much effort.

However, to avoid frightening Liu Ting, Guo Yi tried to avoid bloodshed as much as possible.

"Die!" Ah Tao suddenly lunged forward, swinging his fist toward Guo Yi.

Guo Yi stood unmoved, reaching out and grabbing the opponent's fist.

Ah Tao raised an eyebrow, sank his weight, and suddenly exerted force, but he quickly realized something was wrong. Guo Yi remained unmoved, even as Ah Tao put in all his might. The other man was like a statue, his face still calm. Ah Tao's complexion was already as red as a monkey's butt.

With a sudden exertion of force, Guo Yi turned Ah Tao's face beet red, and Ah Tao's body flipped in the direction his arm was being twisted, his arm contorting into an unnatural shape.


Ah Tao's arm was twisted and broken.

An arm had been twisted out of shape by Guo Yi.


A heaven-shaking and ghost-weeping scream erupted. That arm just hung there on Ah Tao's body, swaying, causing the faces of everyone around to turn pale.

Long Wu's expression changed drastically, and without waiting for everyone to react, his rage surged, "What are you standing around for, get your weapons, let's all go!"


More than a dozen brawny men rushed forward, taking machetes from their backs, their faces ferocious and killing intent apparent.

"It's over, it's over!" Hou San and the others exclaimed, each closing their eyes. In their minds, they seemed to have already pictured Guo Yi being chopped into a bloody mess.

"Guo Yi, be careful!" Liu Ting shouted worriedly.

Guo Yi stood in front of Liu Ting, still expressionless.

"This kid is dead meat!" Hou Daqiang thought to himself. The men under Long Wu were extraordinarily strong, each one skilled at fighting and killing with remarkable abilities. They were certainly not kind, and now that this kid had hurt Ah Tao and angered Long Wu, it was unlikely he would live until tomorrow with Long Wu's temper.

Just as the opponents charged forward.

Swish swish swish...

Guo Yi swung his palm lightly, not too hard, yet not too soft. Streaks of silver flashed by.


"My arm, it hurts to death!"

"My leg!"

A group of men fell one after the other. Guo Yi hadn't budged, from start to finish, he hadn't moved his feet at all. Yet the more than ten capable men had fallen one by one.

"What the... what is going on?"

"This kid is actually a martial artist?"

Hou Daqiang was shocked.

Hou San had not expected that, after not seeing each other for eight years, Guo Yi had actually mastered a set of martial skills? No wonder he was so confident earlier; turns out he had a solid foundation!

Liu Ting looked at Guo Yi in astonishment; today... was the most surprising day of her life.

When she saw Guo Yi, she thought he was not only down-and-out but also weak and insignificant. However, this scene completely changed her perception of Guo Yi. Liu Ting was dumbfounded. Could it be that he had acquired martial skills to seek revenge?

After eight years of no contact, had he been learning martial arts all this time? Was his murderous aura a transformation of the hatred in his heart?

Guo Yi slowly walked toward Long Wu.

After all, Long Wu was Long Wu, the underground Emperor of Jiangnan City, experienced and knowledgeable. He stood still, not budging, and coldly watched Guo Yi, saying, "It seems that you're a trained fighter, huh? No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, but... do you really think that a bit of martial arts allows you to do whatever you want?"

"I've said that if I want you to live, you will live; if I want you to die, you will die." Guo Yi's expression remained calm, as if he was talking about something that didn't matter at all. Or perhaps, killing Long Wu was no different to him than killing an ant.

Long Wu's face darkened: "No matter how good your kung fu is, you're still afraid of a kitchen knife. It's not the age of cold weapons anymore."

"You're welcome to try!" Guo Yi suddenly lifted his head.

Those eyes had experienced the vicissitudes of life, having seen it all. They were like the calm sea after raging waves, as placid as a mirror. Yet, no one could see what lay beneath that mirror.

In his eyes, demonic mists churned, resembling turbulent waves.

Killing Long Wu, easy!

There are countless ways to kill a man, numerous techniques to harm. With Guo Yi's ability, he could kill from a distance or injure with his breath. To him, Long Wu really wasn't worth considering. Why bother getting angry about killing him?

The Grandmaster from the North Ming had passed on to Guo Yi nine Divine Skills and six Immortal Laws. Just one of these was enough to destroy mountains and fill seas, to bring down True Fire from the heavens. To kill them was more than sufficient.

Guo Yi's finger fluttered in the void, forming a seal.

The first of the nine Divine Skills, Void Seal.

Spiritual Energy gathered, forming shape and tool, condensing into an invisible sharp sword. With just a thought from Guo Yi, Long Wu would be decapitated.

"Who dares to cause trouble here?" A voice came from outside.

The crowd turned their heads.

A middle-aged man walked in, followed by others.

"Brother Dong?" Hou Daqiang seemed to see a savior.

"Monkey?" Liu Xiaodong frowned, displeased.

Liu Xiaodong was a big boss throughout the north and south of Jiangnan, hosting a banquet for a distinguished guest today. He had not expected someone to cause trouble. You should know, this guest was a leader of the municipal committee team of Jiangnan City, very important. Having just witnessed this scene was extremely bad for his image.

Just as Liu Xiaodong was about to reprimand them.

"Grandmaster Guo?!" A voice called out.

Guo Yi turned his head and saw Tang Zhan looking at him in surprise. Guo Yi frowned; he hadn't expected to run into Tang Zhan here.

Liu Xiaodong was startled and promptly approached with reverence, humbly saying, "Secretary Tang, you... know this guy?"

"What do you mean 'this guy'?" Tang Zhan glared at him and said, "He's the Grandmaster Guo I told you about!"

"Ah!" Liu Xiaodong was dumbstruck.

At that moment, Long Wu also stood up, hurriedly and respectfully saying, "Secretary Tang!"

"Long Wu?" Tang Zhan looked at Long Wu and asked sternly, "What's all this about?"

Long Wu, having just laid eyes on Tang Zhan, hadn't dared to speak because Tang Zhan was the support behind him. Without Secretary Tang, he would never have climbed to this level. When Long Wu heard Tang Zhan calling Guo Yi Grandmaster Guo, a chill ran through his heart, and he instantly knew he had caused a disaster.

[PS: Thanks to Qi Ming, 'You Won't Meet a Second Me', 'Playful ^_^ Child', 'Jay'. Book friends for the reward. Continue to kneel and beg for rewards.]