Chapter 024: Long Wu Invites


He hesitated for a moment but still answered the phone.

"Grandmaster Guo, hello." A familiar voice came through the other end of the phone.

"Who is this?" Guo Yi asked.

"It's Long Wu!" Long Wu said hurriedly, "Grandmaster, have you forgotten? Last time at the Grand Jiangnan North Entertainment Venue."

"What do you want?" Guo Yi asked coldly.

Guo Yi held no fondness for Long Wu. Had Tang Zhan not been present last time, he probably would have killed Long Wu already.

"I've reserved a private room at the Grand Jiangnan North, and I wish to make amends." Long Wu chuckled, saying, "I offended you last time, truly sorry for that. This time, I earnestly request that the Grandmaster honors us with his presence."

"I'm not free!" Guo Yi refused outright and was about to hang up the phone.

Suddenly, Long Wu said, "Grandmaster, I also have some connections with the Tangs. Please consider the face of the Tang family and grace us with your presence."